
a woman learning life one day at a time just trying to stay out of my head on the way

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ducks like rain and so do kids!
We are having ever changing weather here. Last night bad rain and wind so many of my students had their power go out. Their comments were not what I expected from them. I thought it would be all about I was afraid...yada YADA yada
No! instead they told me, "it was fun we had candles" "my Mom said it was mantic (I hope they meant romantic" "it was cool to use flashlights" "Can we do that at school?"
All we think about is how it inconviences us to have the power go out...might miss a law and Order rerun...let's take our clue from the kids and fjind it mantic

Sunday, February 26, 2006

hey it's winter again! The last week has had weather in the high 60's great sun just lovely days, today it's overcast and periodically a drop of rain...but we must have rain to enjoy the sun
Friday we had a pajama party at school, how much fun was that? I inclulded a picture to show their wonderful smiles, blocked out the faces for legal purposes. (I feel like a child pronographer doning that but their smiles are so genuine they gotta make you smile too!) the kids had such a good time wearing thier pj's to school then we make pancakes and fresh juice. You would've thought they had never done anything like that before...but for some of my kids it was the first time they had eaten waffles (they are all Mexican) and most had never used a juicer and seen veggies become juice. I love watching them experiencing something for the first time. Tomorrow we write about the experience. That should be great fun, to see what was important to them and what they remember. Kids defintely keep you feeling alive!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sad day today...8 weeks ago one of my student's father was diagnosed with terminal cancer...27 father of a 5 year old and a new baby due anytime now...died today. I am so grateful for my life and my family. we are all in good health and live good lives.
When I found out 4 weeks ago I found all the pictures I had of father and son (he came to all the functions and the day before he was diagnosed J was student of the month) I printed them up for father and son. I would always ask J how he was doing, how was his dad etc....it doesn't seem enough the next few weeks will be hard..I will have to talk to the class but will wait and get advice..tonight I just grieve

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

well I was glad to go back to work, I worked way too hard this weekend. Took an 8 hour CPR/first-aid class...Got the cards so I can get my clear credential for work (I procrastinated for 5 years)
then I decided to refinish the kitchen cabinets, grateful the kitchen is small. We decided to do where you paint red then black, sand off some paint then wax or do something to them. I am getting old...I was in bed at 8 asleep by 8:20 and answering the phone at 9. I didn't have the heart to tell #3 that I was asleep so early. My back hurts today but damn the cabinets are coming along. Tonight hinges and knobs. Next the upper cabinets, then the walls then the floor (new wood one) then on to ripping carpet out of the house!
help the fool who thinks she can do anything!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day
Today was so much fun. My kids at school don't understand too much about Valentine's Day. We focus on loving our parents and being kind to our friends. We sit in a circle and hand out the cards and candy. They decided it was more like Halloween and started saying "Trick or Treat" they get the same result candy and a party. Romance isn't in the picture! I love thier sponatity!

Monday, February 13, 2006

wow it's been a while since I last blagged...had a wedding, had to help #3 make flight reservations to Europe, Vegas etc. (ah the life of the single girl) made valentines, planned a wedding shower and stressed over the boy. He is not calling suppose to go to Bulgaria today but don't know if he did...he's avoiding us since the supposed sucicide attempt and now he isn't making car payments that his mother co-signed for there is extra stress in the family. I resent the fact that he is not communicating with us...plus I am working a 2nd job now to pay for a truck I don't even have...we don't even know where it is. we are not happy about it, the good thing about all this is his mother is finally admitting that his addictions are probably more intense than we thought. he smokes pot daily (this one we know) drinks (doesn't admit how much) and who knows what else he does. We have co'd him forever I hope this helps his mom see what he is at this point in his life. We love him he is our son but he affects our life greatly. I pray he doesn't do something stupid in bulgaria and get busted, it would kill his mom. He will have to live with his choices. ah well vented enough I wish he were little again so we could have a sembleance of influence over him.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

This is as close to my HNT I am getting to this week. What the inside of my head feels like: little boys playing firefighters, loudly ringing bells, flashing lights and having way too much fun. Guess who went on a field trip today with 65 kindergarteners? (we rode the bus for 45 min. each way to get there)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Hey can we run away with you? we're packed!
well I have been up for 3 hours since I got the first phone call from my son, again he was threatening suicide. we thought he had gotten past this. His mother is in Vegas for work so I had to call her, what fun that was. He has demons that eat at him. I love him but I am not equipped to handle this. The last time he lived with us and I called the police. They took him to Mental Health, he was out in an hour! This time he was out in an hour and a half! I hope they keep him longer this time. He needs help beyond Zoloft, we can't give it to him. And they gave him more zooloft! ! Ok I have ranted and rved hopefully that has helped it is time for the alarm to go off...whippe 3 hours of sleep to teach on!!!! Thank goodness for drafts, I was full of anger when I wrote the post and I deleted most of it. It is Friday night and the red is current. He is back at work and doing quite well. These are wake-up calls for him. Thank goodness it happend here he goes to Bulgaria next week. I hope he quits drinking. You know parenting never ends if they had told us kids were like this would we have had them? Hey wait I didn't birth this one! I thought when they moved out it was easier. oh well ya gotta love them...things are better today and he is getting some help!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside yourself.
happy HNT