wow it is September, I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted. Life is full and 95% of the time good at times even great!
I just started vacation this week, of course I am teaching for the next 2 weeks remedial grades 2-6. It will be interesting. At least they know how to write their names. The last day of school was horrific, not really that bad I was just tired and grumpy! I didn't realize I was that tired until the day happened.
My family has been here on and off for parts of the summer. I had my girls here to visit. I loved Misty here for a week, just relaxing. I get to see her so rarely for just down time. Bec was here too but only for a brief visit. It amazes me that she calls when she is bored or depressed, but when times are good I don't hear from her. I am not sure how I feel about that. We watched a movie last night, "Surrender Dorothy" with diane Lane. It was good. The underlying theme was the mother, Diane, was not able to let go of her daughter in life or in her daughter's death. Do I smother my girls? I know that I call them often. I think I will try to back off and see what happens. sometimes I think I need to get a life, but I do enjoy spending time alone in my workroom. I enjoy the solitude and time to just be without any obligations or expectations. I know it makes J frustrated that I enjoy staying home and not going places. ah well life is here and I live it the way I enjoy if it means not being overly social than so be it. I like my life with a few choice people in it .