Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

It has been a busy week, had the son home for a few days, he went out every night and came in late every can't sneak into our house not with 3 dogs. So we were woke up every morning. Enjoyed his visit but also enjoyed his leaving, he creates tension in the house. The past is hard to leave behind when you have old feelings come back. His drinking and using brought back the feelings of when I lived with a substance abuser. It has been many years since I have lived with an active user. I hate those feelings of helplessness and things being out of control. I wasn't experiencing those feelings but the flashbacks are icky. I don't care if he choses to be a pot head and drink but not on my turf. I have worked hard to stay clean and I don't like to be around it. I guess this experience is to teach me to be grateful for where I am and how far I have come. God I hate lessons from life.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Got up a 6 this morning for a 7AM doctor appt. I am a glutton for punishment. Good news, lost 10 pounds, blood sugar is normal cholestrol is normal I am normal (not) let's go celebrate by eating a big old cinnamon roll! (sick thinking I know)
Today is the 20th anniversary of my Mothers death. My sister and I had lunch with my dad, didn't talk about it but she was there. we ate pizza in her honor. My mom had simple tastes. Miss ya mommy
Got up a 6 this morning for a 7AM doctor appt. I am a glutton for punishment. Good news, lost 10 pounds, blood sugar is normal cholestrol is normal I am normal (not) let's go celebrate by eating a big old cinnamon roll! (sick thinking I know)
Today is the 20th anniversary of my Mothers death. My sister and I had lunch with my dad, didn't talk about it but she was there. we ate pizza in her honor. My mom had simple tastes. Miss ya mommy
Thursday, December 22, 2005
For Marge: I wish a gift of finding inner peace that allows her time to play and enjoy her family in the upcoming year.
For Pirate: time to play with the family, time to enjoy your time alone and most importantly the time to create lots of memories
For Pirate: time to play with the family, time to enjoy your time alone and most importantly the time to create lots of memories
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Ah what a wonderful day, the wife is gone my bloodsugar is in the 90"s so I was willing to go get bloodwork done...gotta be in control at all times huh? Took a long long bath and had Sammy the baby watching me the whole is disconcerning to be trying to relax in the tub with those big brown eyes staring at you...I tdon't think he's ever seen a woman take a bath before. I'm just grateful he didn't jump in, having a pug in the tub is not my idea of relaxing. I finished my book (all 800 pages of it) and totally enjoyed the peace and quiet of the house.. who says life isn't good?
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Grinch Poop
The Grinch has been here!
He left just one clue …
This little green pile,
Of Grinchy “Poop.”
But why did he do it?
Did he want to get caught?
As the Grinch would say,
“I most certainly did not!”
But Santa and the reindeer
(with nose set on dim),
Landed on the roof,
And scared IT out of him!
He left in a hurry-
Homeward bound,
Leaving little green piles
All over the ground.
Happy Holidays!
this was given to me with a bag of green jelly beans gift
The Grinch has been here!
He left just one clue …
This little green pile,
Of Grinchy “Poop.”
But why did he do it?
Did he want to get caught?
As the Grinch would say,
“I most certainly did not!”
But Santa and the reindeer
(with nose set on dim),
Landed on the roof,
And scared IT out of him!
He left in a hurry-
Homeward bound,
Leaving little green piles
All over the ground.
Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Yahoo school is out!
I don't have to deal with attitudes (other teachers not the kids)
It's not like I don't love my job I am just ready for a break. Every month I move to a new classroom. this means I have to pack up all my shit and go to another room. I was only in the last room 3 weeks and I had shit everywhere. Where does it come from? I am looking forwrad to the next few weeks home under a blanket snuggled with the "boys" and reading. It's too cold to go anywhere and too broke to buy anything and I see the doctor next week so I can't eat anything...ahh for sleep and books.
I don't have to deal with attitudes (other teachers not the kids)
It's not like I don't love my job I am just ready for a break. Every month I move to a new classroom. this means I have to pack up all my shit and go to another room. I was only in the last room 3 weeks and I had shit everywhere. Where does it come from? I am looking forwrad to the next few weeks home under a blanket snuggled with the "boys" and reading. It's too cold to go anywhere and too broke to buy anything and I see the doctor next week so I can't eat anything...ahh for sleep and books.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Daughters if you read this this is confirming what you already know!
Are You Normal? Your Normalcy Quotient is: 51 out of 100.
You are a Wonderful EccentricYou’ve earned the title of wonderful eccentric, and while you’re not a wild, gun slinging maverick, you certainly like to follow your own way. Of course, you probably don’t think of yourself as eccentric. As Einstein might say, “It’s all relative.”
Take this quiz by Clicking Here>> or going to
Are You Normal? Your Normalcy Quotient is: 51 out of 100.
You are a Wonderful EccentricYou’ve earned the title of wonderful eccentric, and while you’re not a wild, gun slinging maverick, you certainly like to follow your own way. Of course, you probably don’t think of yourself as eccentric. As Einstein might say, “It’s all relative.”
Take this quiz by Clicking Here>> or going to
Saturday, December 10, 2005

this is a picture from my sister's house we did little vinettes to create a mood at her house. this is the one that started them all. we had fun even ended up painting a wall in her bathroom red. (the bathroom has been white for 25 years!) I went over today and her bathtub was full of poinsettias. she has come a long way.
this other picture is what we are making in my classroom. I love my kids everything is new to them so we ae learning all kids of new stuff...they had never used glitter before! we are doing a different craft a day screw learning to read we are only 5 once!
Monday, December 05, 2005

Wow the holiday season is defintely up and running! I have been helping others to decorate their homes for thier parties. (The up side to this is I don't have to host any parties if I decorate thier places!) Then Sunday we made about 100 dozen cookies for give away. The best part is that it is with family and has become a tradition to make these. it is good time for the family to be together and daddy even has his job...breaking candy canes for peppermint bark and taste tester. I wish my kids were closer so they could do it.
Today I sent the kid a box of cookies to Hawaii. I hope they make it in one peice. This is one way to let her have a little christmas cheer. ah I miss my kids but they are happy and healthy can't ask for more than that.