I made it through another great day, my drama queen did so much better. It is amazing how I can get them to behave with just a happy face on a small paper or the threat of a sad face. I wish adults would work for such simple behavior rewards. My dogs will do the same for a treat!
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I made it through another great day, my drama queen did so much better. It is amazing how I can get them to behave with just a happy face on a small paper or the threat of a sad face. I wish adults would work for such simple behavior rewards. My dogs will do the same for a treat!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
But I am blessed, 60% of my kids speak English. I even have some who can write their names! whoo hoo!
I'm down to just one crier a day, a silent one at that.
The biggest issue is the drama queen, who thinks the world revolves around her. She is an only child and boy does it ever show. It is so hard I don't want to break spirit just teach the kids how to conform to the expectations of the education system. That sounds horrible, but when it is 20 to 1 I have to have some control in the classroom. But I have to admit that it is almost funny to watch. I can tell what she gets away with home. I am grateful that I don't have her at home.
3 days down 185 to go!
yahoo!!!! I can't wait to watch them grow!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July
boy have I been negligent of my blogging lately. School has been taking a lot of my time and energy! Plus my niece is getting married and I am doing lots of creative stuff for her.
My #3 child is a child of deep emotions! We have had many daily phone calls helping her through the deepest emotions, it is amazing for 3 weeks we had daily contact, often a crisis in the midst. I would talk her through getting up in the morning etc etc...take all the phone calls whith her sobbing in the phone giving her the support she needs to make it though the moment. The finally I ask her Dad to call her, and all of a sudden she is out of the depression! (of course telling the boyfriend to f off happened at that time also!) I know Daddy helped but she was already on the road to feeling better.
I am nervous about the new school year, the kids were all doing so well when they went to 1st grade. I forget what it is like to have a new batch of kinders...tears, establishing rules, teaching how to hold a pencil, writing their name, speaking English etc etc. I know it will all go well I just need to relaaaaax and take each day as it comes.
wish me luck!!!!