Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006

Today was a field trip to the zoo, or actually a min-zoo. All the animals are small thank goodness. I remember going to this park 20 years ago. I remember it being very dingy small and dirty. I am grateful to announce it has been cleaned up and the animals look good. They got rid of the big animals and are focusing on the small animals. I am amazed at how much my kids aren't exposed to, like squirrels. They actually got more excited about the turtles, ducks and koi fish. The other one that they loved was the monkeys. Everyone should take a 5 year old to the zoo. You see it through different eyes. They have an AWE factor that we all forget about.
I only have this group for another 2 weeks then they go off to first grade in July. It's always so hard to say good bye but you can't wait to say hello to the new ones!