I got an e-mail from my brother that he is posting my grandfathers slides on FLICKR. I got on and saw pictures I have not seen for years. My mother died 20 years ago last Dec. 23. My grandparents before that.
this is a picture of me and my cousins and I don't know where, when or why!
I really have very few memories of my childhood. I have wondered why, it wasn't a bad childhood just an ordinary life living on military bases moving every few years. My dad was home part time, my parents loved each other, didn't fight, didn't drink...took us to church on Sundays. My mom was always home when I came home from school. I have 2 older brothers (5 & 6 yrs. older) 2 younger sisters (5 & 9 yrs difference). I don't have a close relationship with any of them today.
I am the different child of the family, been divorced a few times, a lesbian, alcoholic and the only one who would just pick up and go or do things that the others would never think of doing. I also have the most distant relationship with my father. He lives here in town. The reality of it is that my family still doesn't always know what to think of me.
But what I want to know is why can't I remember my childhood? was it so boring that it faded into obscurity...it is also interesting that my memories are different than my sisters are. I guess we all have our own skew on our memories.
thanks for listening to my ramblings
At January 18, 2006 10:23 AM,
Gil said…
Thanks for sharing. I really wish you the very best.
My childhood memory is still vivid. I can walk back to it quite easilly. But I rather not think about it. What is important is NOW. Enjoy your life.
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