Look at what I found today in the middle of my rosemary, sage and who knows what else. There is one corner of my "garden" that I let do what it wants to do. I just provide water and sunshine. I assume there is probably a lesson for me to learn here too: such as give them foundation and they will bloom to be who they are. That is part of my letting go process right now with my students. I am sure it is good that we are off for 5 weeks before we go back for the last month. It gives me time to seperate and prepare for the next group coming in. I am very excited about next years kids...I have more than just hispanics I have an Indian, Jap-mexican, white, and who knows what else. I love the diversity in my life!!
Yesterday I recieved a phone call about a dear friend who has been hiding info from us. He has full blown AIDS and had a brain anuriaism (or what ever, spelling is not my thing) he also has some kidney issues that is hereditary that causes brain problems. He is only 34ish and sonds like an old man in speech, needs therapy for walking talking etc. I love him and my heart aches for him. I wish he had been able to open up his secrets sooner when more of us could have been there earlier, but the good news is he is on the road of recovery from the "stroke" thing. I will continue to send lots of love to him and hopefully he will be able to come back some more to us.
I spoke to #2 yesterday about the need for a will, she thinks I am on crack..I told her she has assests and the state will take them for themselves it doesn't go to her sisters. She thinks she is too young to think about that. Hopefully #3 will have some influence over her on this issue. I know just keep adding water and sunshine and she will bloom in her own way. She needs to find her own way.
At May 15, 2006 3:10 AM,
Helene said…
I love the photo! I have a garden similar (not nearly as pretty) but I get to it last each spring and am always happy I did because I get interesting things growing each year! This year I have evergreen seedlings.
Sorry for the news about your friend... and EVERYONE should have a will. If for no other reason than to make it easier for the ones you leave behind to handle closing our your estate!
great blog btw!
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